American Mammoth Jackstock

Breed Registry


The original "Mother Stud Book " for the American Jackstock was first called the 'American Standard Jackstock Register', and was established in late 1890's. The "Standard" meaning that they had been measured against a standard for quality. The Standard includes criteria such as bone circumference, height, good width, depth, length, strong loin, a well muscled neck, (not over thick and of proper length), feet of good size and shape, and a well shaped head, with the right size in relation to the body, and with large well-set eyes. It continues to this day, and is now known as the 'American Mammoth Jackstock Register' (A.M.J.R).

D.A.B.S.A has a Stud Register established for American Mammoth Jackstock imported in recent years and their progeny, with the aim to maintain a record of bloodlines, origins, and breed standards, thus encouraging the genetic integrity of this breed.In addition, D.A.B.S.A has an established appendix for part bred Mammoth stock, to meet the perceived needs of Australian breeders.

D.A.B.S.A has a stud register established for American Mammoth Jackstock imported in recent years, and their progeny, with the aim to maintain a record of bloodlines, origins, and breed standards - thus encouraging the genetic integrity of this breed of Jackstock.

In addition, D.A.B.S.A has an established appendix for part bred Mammoth stock, to meet the perceived needs of Australian breeders.
